Article from the Times Picayune, Sunday, January 27, 1985.
” In 1978, when Auseklis Ozols started his Academy , I decided to become a student there,: she says. “Then, about a year and a half later, his wife died, leaving him with three babies, and he lost his lease for that space and had to vacate, almost all at the same time. That’s when I stepped into the picture, I guess.”
“Coleman says she had a ‘burning desire’ to help Ozols. “His whole world had fallen out from under him….”Coleman became chairman of the board, and Ozols became president and director of the new academy.” (Times Picayune, January 27, 1985)

The original founding document of the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, founded by Auseklis Ozols in 1978, before he went into partnership with the Colemans. https://coraweb.sos.la.gov/commercialsearch/TradeServiceSearchDetails.aspx?TradeServiceMainID=18289_336E2CBA89