News/Blog: All information is derived from research utilized for teaching. Syllabi, explanatory text, and commentary are original to Saskia Ozols or Auseklis Ozols unless otherwise noted. Please acknowledge our effort, research, and sharing spirit with proper citation.

Portrait of Tucker Fitz-Hugh by Auseklis Ozols, 1996. Oil on Linen
Portrait of Tucker Fitz-Hugh by Auseklis Ozols, 1996

Saskia Ozols, the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts & the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts
Who am I and why am I doing this? https://www.saskiaozols.com/about/

Happy May from the Ozols Collection!
Auseklis Ozols, Self Portrait with Amber. Oil on Linen. 52

The Ozols Collection: Arts Education & Research Center in New Orleans.
The Ozols Collection is an organization dedicated to preservation, research,

The Ozols Collection: Fine Arts Library and Teaching Collection for Visual Arts and its History
The Ozols Collection is currently fundraising for collections management needs

Auseklis Ozols Varnishing a New Painting, 2024. Work on view at the Abita Trailhead Museum April 12-14, 2024.
We are very excited to announce that the Abita Springs

Artifact/Archives: Hand carved art objects by Auseklis Ozols. Wooden Cross for the Grave of Gwendolyn Laan Ozols
Auseklis Ozols. Hand carved cross inscribed with hand cut lettering

The Murals: Auseklis Ozols & the Louisiana Landscape
Did You know that Auseklis Ozols has painted a number

Happy Epiphany from the Ozols Collection!
Original drawing by Auseklis Ozols, 1982. Printed Poster, hand signed

“At the Benediction” by Auseklis Ozols, 1999. Private Collection
Auseklis Ozols created this monumental painting in 1999. Standing at

New Class Announcement/Spring 2024: Sacred Geometry, Aesthetics, and the Art of Expression (Auseklis Ozols)
Please join us for this one day lecture class given

Congratulations Auseklis Ozols, Full page article in the Latvian American Newspaper, LAIKS
Congrats to AO on this full page article in the

New Orleans Museums, Art Collections, and Artists (May 16-19)
Join us at 4 Different Locations to investigate the Artistic

Art Book Group, Second Read: “The Art Spirit” by Robert Henri.
Please Join us on Wednesday, June 14th at 12:30

Drawing the Antique at NOMA (Saskia Ozols) June 12-16th, 2023
Please join us in the New Orleans Museum of Art

Happy Easter from the Ozols Collection!
Auseklis Ozols, Watercolor on Paper 2012. Private Collection Happy Easter

Ozols in Abita Springs: “En Plein Air” at the Abita Trailhead Museum, April 21st
Please join us in Abita Springs Please Join us Abita

Lecture Announcement: Ozols on his Process and Inspiration with the “Christ of the Oaks” Mural. February 25, 2023, 11 am.
Please Join us on Saturday, February 25th for a lecture

Celebrate the Beauty of the Season, and Look for the Art-Happy Mardi Gras from the Ozols Collection & Fine Arts Preservation Society of New Orleans
Celebrate the Beauty of the Season, and Look for the

Happy Carnival Season from the Ozols Collection & Fine Arts Preservation Society of New Orleans !
Happy Carnival Season from the Ozols Collection & the Fine

Drawing the Antique at NOMA, Summer Seminar with Saskia Ozols
Course Description: *This session studies will address the differences, overlaps

New Seminar Announcement: New Orleans Museums, Art Collections, and Artists, lead by Saskia Ozols
New Orleans Museums, Art Collections and Artists. Instructor: Saskia Ozols

Ozols updating the Governor’s Mansion Mural, 2023
It is so exciting to see the transformation of this

Ozols On Watercolor: Traditional Technique & Historical rules for paint application. The result is a rare glimpse into living Art History
These paintings are done with classic watercolor technique, where the

The Flora of New Orleans: New Paintings by Ozols Collection Members, & Studio clear out Hosted by Indra Botanica
Please join us for this one day only pop-up event

Ozols: Notes on Painting
Preparing for a conversation about painting. The first preparatory steps

Dell Weller and Auseklis Ozols: New Orleans Painters, Teaching Legends, and Colleagues
Self Portrait, Dell Weller, 1978. Oil on Canvas 10 x

New Orleans Night Bloomer
This painting depicts a night blooming cereus flower arranged as

Saskia Ozols and Kim Bernadas in A. Ozols’ Studio. Renegade Artist’s Collective (RAC) includes three of AO’s past students in upcoming October exhibit.
Jaques Soulas, Kim Bernadas, and Saskia Ozols ( all former

Happy Autumnal Equinox and Birthday to Auseklis Ozols!
The Autumnal Equinox marks the birthday of Auseklis Ozols. Best

Living with History: The Cast Hall of the Museum of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Van Thiel-Laan, Magtillt. The Cast Hall of the Pennsylvania Academy

Auseklis Ozols painted by Walter Stuempfig, 1964
This life sized portrait of Auseklis Ozols was painted by

New Work By Saskia Ozols, Collection Founding Curator, included in Le Mieux Galleries Exhibit: Opening Reception August 6th, 2022
Saskia Ozols, Arrangement with Passion flowers, Thorns, and Moth with

Who was Marie-Cornelie Van Dorp Laan? Happy Birthday to this first supporter of NOAFA, wildflower gardener, lecturer, and native plant activist extraordinaire.
Portrait of Miek Laan (Marie-Cornelie Van Dorp Laan) Auseklis Ozols. Oil

Indra Ozols: Recent Watercolor paintings and Demonstration of Technique Used by a Major Paint Manufacturer.
Indra Ozols is a founding member of the Ozols Collection

On Varnishing Pictures
Varnish day for paintings in preparation for exhibition-Almost the last

Happy Summer and Longest Moment of Light from The Ozols Collection! “Light, that first phenomenon, reveals to us the spirit and the living soul of the world…” (Johannes Itten)
All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light

Happy Father’s Day from The Ozols Collection !
Happy Father’s Day from the Ozols Collection ! We are

Self Portrait as a Tree Stump
This painting created by Auseklis Ozols in 2021 represents his

Auseklis Ozols on Founding the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, Retiring, and the Ozols Collection.
“The Collection was born as a result of my untoward

Welcome to the Ozols Collection !
Welcome to the Ozols Collection ! The Ozols Collection is

Please Consider Us on GiveNOLA Day !
The Ozols Collection is proud to announce we will be participating

Spring Sketching with Auseklis Ozols in the Old Grove, 2021
Auseklis Ozols setting up to draw in the open air

Happy Pi Day from the Ozols Collection!
Happy Pi day from the Ozols Collection ! We thought

Our New Logo: Did you know Ozols means Oak?
The Ozols Collection has a new logo ! We are

Photo of Auseklis Ozols and Walter Stuempfig, 1963
Auseklis Ozols with his painting professor and mentor, American artist,

Happy International Women’s Day from the Ozols Collection !
“From women’s eyes this doctrine I derive. They sparkle still

Happy New Year from the Ozols Collection !
As we prepare to welcome the new year we also

Giving Thanks and Finding Gratitude…Happy Thanksgiving from the Ozols Collection
Thanksgiving is a multifaceted topic as we consider colonialism, immigration

The Ozols Collection receives 501(c)(3) Status from the Federal Government
After many months of writing, waiting, communicating, and documenting our

Happy Memorial Day from the Ozols Collection
This painting, In Recognition of the American Soldier by Auseklis

Happy Easter from the Ozols Collection
Black Christ, by Auseklis Ozols, 1991. This is a detail

Drawing Workshop Announcement: The Anatomy of Trees with Auseklis Ozols, President of the Ozols Collection. Please join us for a two morning session in New Orleans City Park under the 800 year old oak tree; April 8-9,(Thursday and Friday Morning) 10am-12pm.
The Anatomy of Trees workshop with Auseklis Ozols This two-morning

Art Histories and Contemporary Practices: Poetic or Disparate?
A colleague recently mentioned a quotation by Anthony Trollope https://trollopesociety.org,

Drawing the Body and Spirit: Happy Halloween from The Ozols Collection
The study of anatomy is a vital part of learning

Object Lesson: Grotesque, Advanced Flesh-tone Study, or Commentary on Ancient Myth ?
Painting raw meat is an advanced still life lesson that

Gwendolyn Laan Ozols: The Portraits
The late Gwendolyn Laan Ozols survives in countless portraits painted

Object Lesson: Winter Whites in “Peonies,” by Auseklis Ozols
This painting of peonies demonstrates one of the most sophisticated

Portrait of Governor Foster, by Auseklis Ozols
The Ozols Collection offers respectful remembrance of Governor Foster through

Between the Sun and the Moon: Happy Birthday to Auseklis Ozols, American Realist.
The Autumnal Equinox marks the birthday of realist painter Auseklis

Artifact Analysis: Self Portrait by Auseklis Ozols, 2003
Artists create self portraits for reasons as varied as there

Prestigious Purchase of Ozols Painting by the Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum of American Art
The Ozols Collection is pleased to announce a prestigious purchase

Labour Day from the Ozols Collection: Labourer at the Conschocken Quarry by Walter Stuemphig, American Realist, 1964
The Ozols Collection celebrates this Labour Day with a rare

Auseklis Ozols’ Labour Day Lecture at Abbey Artworks
Auseklis Ozols lectured to a full, socially distanced, temperature checked,