Auseklis Ozols, Self Portrait with Amber. Oil on Linen. 52 x 68″. Private Collection, New Orleans, LA.
What a composition of color, vibrance and life. As we celebrate the first of May we thought this painting would be an inspiration for the creative spirit, the celebration of the beauty and the enduring power of nature.
Today we will just contemplate the colorful symbols of life, regeneration, and nature. This enormous portrait contains many symbols. A future interview & post will document the connections each item in the composition has with Ozols’ artistic training, experience, accomplishments, and family history.
The flower arrangement in the foreground beckons the viewer in with a full array of vibrant color. The chromatic strength and luminosity move the eye toward Ozols’ hand carved palette where he mixes all color himself from direct observation.
Baltic amber activates the composition and sits on a stretcher bar. It represents symbolism of the sea, water, intuition, energy, and marriage of the elements with time. It is from the the gulf of Riga in Latvia, where Ozols was born.
A large Oak tree drawing pinned to the wall in the background reaches toward the viewer, beckoning movement and change with its gesture; and stability, tradition, and endurance with its meaning.
The composition is arranged according to the golden section which Ozols lectures on regularly. He moves the viewers eye between elements of foreground (flowers) , middle ground (amber & the artist) and back ground (large oak tree drawing) in a spiral of meaningful spatial relationships.
More coming soon!
Happy May !!
More on Ozols’ self portraits: https://ozolscollection.org/artifact-analysis-self-portrait-by-auseklis-ozols-2003/
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